Hot Rod Places of Interest in Ohio
A collection established by the late Marsh Belden Sr. featuring 45 unusual classic and special-interest automobiles. Open daily 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission fee.
Market Avenue at 6th Street SW, Canton, Ohio 44703. (330) 455-3603.
www.cantonclassiccar.org |
Exhibits illustrating how transportation changed the Dayton area and how Dayton changed transportation, from the horse-drawn wagons to Chevy S-10 trucks built in nearby Moraine, Ohio. The collection includes a Dayton-built 1908 Stoddard Dayton and a Xenia Cyclecar, built in 1915 in nearby Xenia. Open daily. Admission fee.
1000 Carillon Boulevard, Dayton, Ohio 45409. (937) 293-2841.
www.carillonpark.org |
Nearly 200 antique, vintage and classic automobiles and aircraft ranging from Panhard & Levassor’s 1897 enclosed automobile to Bobby Rahal’s 1982 Indianapolis car, which won the first Cleveland 500. The collection also documents the technological and stylistic development of the transportation industry, with a focus on early automobiles created in Cleveland. Open daily. Admission fee.
10825 East Boulevard, Cleveland, Ohio 44106. (216) 721-5722.
www.wrhs.org/index.php/crawford |
Exhibits on blimps, the trucking industry, Indianapolis racecars, a moon buggy and an artificial heart. It also has a replica of a rubber plantation, exhibits on the history of the rubber industry and a reproduction of Charles Goodyear’s workshop. Open Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Free.
Goodyear Corporate Headquarters 1201 E. Market Street, Akron, Ohio 44305. (330) 796-7117. |
In a showcase of motorcycling history, the museum features 300 motorcycles, riding gear, photographs, literature, sculpture, racetrack reconstructions, dioramas and awards. Open daily 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission fee.
13515 Yarmouth Drive, Pickerington, Ohio 43147. (614) 856-2222.
www.motorcyclemuseum.org |
In the town where the first Packard was built, this museum features models ranging from the 1903 Old Pacific to a 1958 Hawk. Open daily except Mondays. Admission fee.
1899 Mahoning Avenue, Warren, Ohio 44483. (330) 394-1899.
www.packardmuseum.org |
Housed in a replica of a 1940’s-era Texaco gas station, the collection includes everything from hood ornaments to window cranks along with its showroom of dream cars from the 1930s to the 1960s. Open daily 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission fee.
13920 County Home Road, Bowling Green, Ohio 43402. (419) 353-8338.
www.snooksdreamcars.com |
Hot Rod Businesses in Ohio
Hot Rod Events in Ohio
Weekly Hot Rod Cruises in Ohio

Day | Time | Event | Map |
First Sunday |
11am - 2pm |
Booster Classic Cruiser Cruise-In - Columbus, OH
At the Tumbleweed Southwest Grill; East Broadstreet. 50's and 60's music, food, games, door prizes, 50/50, awards, $7 registration.
Call: Harry Slick 614-833-1419 or Robert 614-276-1052
EMAIL: boerner.robert@sbcglobal.net |
Last Sunday | 11am - 2pm |
Discount Drug Mart Car Show - Grove City, OH
May Thru October. Registration is $5, Awards will be at 3:00 Pm, Favorite 25 for cars & trucks 1979 and older, Favorite 10 for cars & trucks 1980 and newer, 2 managers choice awards, kids coloring contest, door prizes, charities change for each month show, Free hot Dogs and drinks.
EMAIL: gccruise_in@yahoo.com | |
Third Sunday | 11am - 2pm |
Discount Drug Mart Car Show - Hilliard, OH
Registration is $5. Awards will be at 3:00 PM, Favorite 25 for cars & trucks 1979 and older, Favorite 10 for cars & trucks 1980 and newer, 2 managers choice awards, kids coloring contest, door prizes, charities change for each month show, Free hot Dogs and drinks.
EMAIL: gccruise_in@yahoo.com | |
Every Thursday |
6pm - 8pm |
Blast to The Past Thursday Night Cruise - Toledo, OH
Cruise with the Placers Car Club every Thursday from 6:00-8:00. Cash awards given away at 8:00 by random drawing. 50/50 drawing at 8:00. Drivers pool cash given away at 8:00 for all who donate $1.00. Ford/Beverages available all nite. Biggest and best Toledo Cruise Nite. All cruisers welcome.. Music by Cruizin Zeak Tree Thursdays per month and live band one Thursday per month..
Call: Jaws 419-729-4524
EMAIL: barrandbill@verizon.net |
Regular Hot Rod Events in Ohio

Date | Event |
January 3 - 4 |
Toledo Auto Swap Meet - Maumee, OH
19th Annual Toledo Swap Meet Located At 2901 Key Street, Maumee, Ohio 43537. All Makes And Models Show. $500.00 Give-A-Way Every Day w/Admission Ticket. Only $5.00 Admission, 12 And Under Free, w/Plenty Of Free Parking. Check Us Out At www.toledoautoswapmeet.com Currently Under Construction. For Info Call Nick At 419-579-4845. Mon-Fri 9am To 5pm. Show House Set Up Fri Jan 2, 9am To 8pm. Show Hours Sat 8am To 4pm. Sun Jan 4, 9am To 3pm. Sponsor: Avina Specialties Inc. When: 2009-01-03 through 2009-01-04, 8AM-4PM. Location: 2901 Key Street. Cost: $5.00 12 Under Free.
CALL: Nick Avina at 419-579-4845 or call Sue Avina at 419-592-5646
WEB SITE: www.toledoautoswapmeet.com |
January 9 - 11 |
49th Annual KOI Auto Parts Cavalcade of Customs - Cincinnati, OH
Convention Center
CALL: 248-373-1700
EMAIL: contactus@autorama.com
WEB SITE: www.autorama.com |
February 8 |
Winter Corvette & Chevrolet Indoor Swap Meet - Cincinnati, OH
All indoors, Ample parking, Food & refreshments available Proceeds to benefit Shrine’s Children Hospital Vendors Wanted 10 X 10 space $20.00 set up 6 - 8 am Corvette and Chevy only 1 Free lunch with vendor space. Sponsor: Sponsored by Queen City NCRS / Benefiting Shrine’s Children’s Hospital. When: 2009-02-08, 8:00am - 2:00pm. Location: Joseph's Columbia Chevrolet 9750 Montgomery Road Cincinnati, OH 45242. Cost: Only $3.00 General admission.
CALL: Steve Hack at 513 553 2080 or call Jim Dumont at 513 761 9593
EMAIL: steve@easterncorvettes.com |
8 Feb 2004 | Medina Indoor Swap Meet. Over 140 indoor spaces. 10x10 space $22. Hours 8am-3pm. Admission $4. Located at Medina County Fairgrounds 735 Layfayette Rd, Medina Oh. Sponsored by All Ohio Parts Spectacular PO Box 712, Ravenna, Ohio 44266. 1-800-553-8745. Email: dillon@tdin.com |
February 15th |
37th Annual Auto Parts Swap Meet - Springfield, OH
All Makes and Models Auto Parts Swap Meet.Sponsor: Miami Valley Region Vintage Chevrolet Club.When: 2009-02-15, 7am - 3pm. Location: Clark County Fairgrounds, Springfield, Ohio, Exit 59 I-70. Cost: $5.
CALL: Lois Troutwine at 937-692-5772
EMAIL: ltroutwine@woh.rr.com
WEB SITE: www.miamivalleyvcca.org |
MAR 07-08 |
Dave & Ed’s Super Auto Events, Pro-Formance - Canton, OH
Call 330-477-8506 Canton, OH |
MAR 22 |
Lancaster Spring Swap Meet.
Located Lancaster Fairgrounds, Lancaster, OH. Call Jim 740-987-4011 Lancaster, OH |
MAR 28-29 |
Columbus Spring Swap - Columbus, OH
All Ford, Lincoln & Mercury. Located Ohio Exposition Center, Columbus, OH. Call Richard 614-855-4750 Or Web www.springswap.com |
MAR 28 |
Swap Meet - Ashtabula, OH
Located Ashtabula Country Fairgrounds, Ashtabula, OH. Call 440-997-7751 Sponsor Western Reserve Chapter, AACA |
May 9 |
Cruise-In For Scouting - Covington, OH
Dash plaques first 100 cars. Lunch included. Free restoration shop tours.Sponsor: D & D Classic Auto.When: 2009-05-09, 10 AM to 2 PM. Location: 2300 Mote Drive. Cost: $10 per vehicle.
CALL: Mark Kennison at 937-473-2229 |
May 9, 2004 | Randolph Spring Bonanza Swap Meet and Car Corral. Over 400 spaces, only $15/space. Hours 8am-3pm. Admission $4. Located at Randolph Fairgrounds 4215 Fairground Rd, Randolph Oh. Sponsored by All Ohio Parts Spectacular PO Box 712, Ravenna, Ohio 44266. 1-800-553-8745 Email: dillon@tdin.com |
June 11-13, 2004 | Randolph in the Spring Swap Meet and Car Corral. Over 1200 spaces, $40/space. Hours 7am-5pm. Admission $5. Located at Randolph Fairgrounds 4215 Fairground Rd, Randolph Oh. Sponsored by All Ohio Parts Spectacular PO Box 712, Ravenna, Ohio 44266. 1-800-553-8745 Email: dillon@tdin.com |
July 10 - 12 |
GoodGuy’s Goodguys PPG Nationals - Columbus, OH
Ohio Expo Center. Rods, Customs, Classics, Muscle Cars & Trucks thru ‘72. Friday Nite Drags, Autocross, Vendors, Swap Meet & Car Corral.
CALL: 925-838-9876
EMAIL: info@good-guys.com WEB SITE: www.good-guys.com |
August 1 |
Buick GSX Reunion - Hebron, OH
Once in a lifetime opportunity to see True Buick Muscle Power Visit www.buickperformancegroup.com for more information. Bring your Buick GSX from un-restored to concourse cars. All are welcome. When: 2009-08-01, 8am-12 noon. Location: National Trail Raceway, Hebron, OH. Cost: to be announced.
EMAIL: bdheckman@att.net
WEB SITE: www.buickperformancegroup.com |
Aug 6-8, 2004 | Randolph in the Summer Swap Meet and Car Corral. Over 1200 spaces, $40/space. Hours 7am-5pm. Admission $5. Located at Randolph Fairgrounds 4215 Fairground Rd, Randolph Oh. Sponsored by All Ohio Parts Spectacular PO Box 712, Ravenna, Ohio 44266. 1-800-553-8745 Email: dillon@tdin.com |
August 28 - 30 |
Summit Motorsports Park. Rods, Customs, Classics & Race Cars thru ‘72. Drags, Show ‘n Shine, Vendors, Swap Meet & Car Corral.
CALL: 925-838-9876
EMAIL: info@good-guys.com
WEB SITE: www.good-guys.com |
AUG 29 |
17 th Annual Studebaker-Packard Rally - Tallmadge, OH
Summit Racing, Tallmadge, OH. Call Don 330-882-3235 |
September 5 |
6th Annual Saturday in the Park Car Show - Marion, OH
Registration $10 from 10am-2pm Awards at 4pm. Dash plaques to the 1st 50 registered, 25 trophies sponsored by Josh and Danielle Daniels. Not a judged show winners are sponsors choice. Entertainment, 50/50, door prizes, food, games, inflatable rides for the kids, something for everyone bring the family and have a great time. Pre-register by sending $8 along with your name, address, year, make, and model of the vehicle to 231 Orchard Street, Marion, OH 43302 by August 15, 2009. Sponsor: Benefiting Saturday in the Park. When: 2009-09-05, 10:00am-5:00pm. Location: Lincoln Park. Cost: $10.00 registration.
CALL: Marilyn Larkin at 740-361-5877 or John Larkin at 740-360-2622
EMAIL: kountrytoyz@hotmail.com |
Sept 5, 2004 | Randolph Fall Bonanza Swap Meet and Car Corral. Over 400 spaces, only $15/space. Hours 8am-3pm. Admission $4. Located at Randolph Fairgrounds 4215 Fairground Rd, Randolph Oh. Sponsored by All Ohio Parts Spectacular PO Box 712, Ravenna, Ohio 44266. 1-800-553-8745 Email: dillon@tdin.com |
SEPT 18-20 |
Dave & Ed’s Super Auto Events, Canfield, OH
Call 330-477-8506 Canfield, OH |
Oct 31, 2004 | Medina Indoor Swap Meet. Over 140 indoor spaces. 10x10 space $22. Hours 8am-3pm. Admission $4. Located at Medina County Fairgrounds 735 Layfayette Rd, Medina Oh. Sponsored by All Ohio Parts Spectacular PO Box 712, Ravenna, Ohio 44266. 1-800-553-8745 Email: dillon@tdin.com |
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