2 Bay Rod Run - Mornington
Sunday 27th April 1997
Most of the activity was at Main Street on Sunday, with all the rods coming back to the Racecourse at 12:30 for a barbque lunch and the trophy presentation.
There were a further 55 entries during the morning.

The owners of all the trophy winning rods for the weekend were then asked to line up the Rods outside the Registration / Display area. The crowd just stood back and took it all in, with a few cool tunes playing on the P.A. and the late afternoon sun glistening off the Rods this truely was a fitting end to a great Run.
Well, " that all folks", for another 2 years. The next 2 Bay Rod Run will more than likely be one week after the ASRF Nationals (Easter) which are supposed to be in Geelong, Victoria for 1999.
