Everything about Grandpa Munster’s Drag-U-La is rooted in the ghoulish and grim. In a 2013 interview, Richard “Korky” Korkes, George Barris’s project engineer at the time, explained how the team had been able to obtain a real fiberglass coffin. “It was illegal to sell a coffin without a death certificate. Korky made a deal with the funeral director, paid in cash, and it was agreed the coffin would be left outside the rear door of the funeral parlor where the Barris crew would ‘lift’ the coffin, during dark, from the rear of the facility to complete the transaction.” Nothing like a good old fashioned coffin robbing!
Drag-U-La featured a 350 hp, 289ci Ford Mustang V8 with a four-speed manual transmission. The rear tires were 10.50-inch Firestone racing slicks, mounted on custom 10-inch Rader aluminum and steel wheels. The hubcaps were stylized with large silver spiders. The front tires were 4-inch Italian tires on Speedsport English buggy wire wheels.
The front of Drag-U-La was fitted with a marble gravestone with the inscription, “Born 1367, Died ?”
